Episode Summary

Erin Wathen joins me today on Path to Podcast Success, and you won’t want to miss their deep dive into all things entrepreneurship, podcasting, and business success. Get ready to take a peak into the secrets they share, so you can use them on your own path to podcast success.

Episode Notes

Erin is a Holistic Health Coach, Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach, Food Addiction Counselor and author of the upcoming “Why Can’t I Stick To My Diet?” Due in bookstores on December 18th and currently available for pre-order.

Originally from the West Coast, graduating from the University of Oregon for her Undergraduate degree and Hawaii Pacific University for Graduate School, Erin worked in Human Resources in NYC for many years. After her daughter was born and a move to the suburbs, she decided to transform her lifelong passion for Health and Fitness into the start of a new career. Erin is a Star Three Spinning Instructor through Madd Dogg, Classical Pilates with Physical Mind Institute, 200 HR Vinyasa RYT and TRX.

After realizing her lifelong struggle with her weight wasn’t due to a lack of exercise, but her food and more importantly the emotions she wasn’t dealing with that lead to the food, Erin began a quest.

This journey led her to become an Integrated Health Coach. After learning that she herself was addicted to Sugar and Artificial Sweetener, Erin detoxed herself and then became one of the world’s first Food Addition Counselors, and had to go to Iceland to complete her training.

It was at this point that Erin decided to write her book “Why Can’t I Stick To My Diet” because she had been asking herself that question for decades and it was the wrong question!! It wasn’t until Erin realized to take her knowledge of Health Coaching and Food Addiction together in her book she could help so many more people end emotional eating and stop yo-yo dieting and learn to eat right once and for all.

Life coaching was of great interest to Erin and wanted to get formally trained to add more value to her clients. She completed her Life Coaching and Weight Loss Certification program with The Life School founded by Brooke Castillo in August of 2018.

Erin has been featured in the Huffington Post, Elite Daily, Readers Digest, The Mighty and Best Life and many more.


Learn more about Erin here!
Learn more about Path to Podcast Success here!