Episode Summary

Tereza Toledo joins me today on Path to Podcast Success, and you won’t want to miss their deep dive into all things entrepreneurship, podcasting, and business success. Get ready to take a peak into the secrets they share, so you can use them on your own path to podcast success.

Episode Notes

Tereza Toledo is an avant-garde Pinterest Expert Strategist who helps businesses and brands build their presence and brand authority on Pinterest. She’s originally from Brazil, lives in Tampa, FL with her husband, children, and cats. She also has a Bachelor’s in Law, speaks 4 languages, travels a lot with her family, and has helped develop different businesses, from foodservice to Laundromats and retail. When she’s not traveling, chasing after kids, or working with clients, you’ll find her lounging by the pool or in her garage gym, lifting weights!


She has a unique perspective and offers a cutting edge pioneering Pinterest organic approach, helping her clients provide their audience with a fulfilling inspiring experience. She teaches Pinterest strategy to businesses, social media managers and agencies while also providing strategy, content, and Pinterest management to successful entrepreneurs.

Learn more about Zach here!

Learn more about Path to Podcast Success here!